Student Zone

The New Horizons Student Zone aims to provide you with all the extra information you will need to add an extra value to your course.  You will also find the projects and showcase.  You can find from, practice Tests and Quizzes or extra information for your course.


Aqui trobaràs les diferents seccions del que disposa la nostra zona d'alumnes:


Public Acces

Some of the projects done by the students.

Christmas Projects

Links and documents for our Christmas Special

Click here for all the specials

Extra Resources

Coming soon

More information will be available during the course

Classes de Speaking a una cafeteria amb encant



Vols practicar l'Anglès mentre prens un cafè?

Noves classes de Speaking a una cafeteria amb encant al Barri antic de Caldes de Montbui,
Informa't de dies, horaris, nivells i preu.